You probably already know that angelfish are among the most popular pet fish. It’s easy to find angelfish being sold at just about any pet store that sells fish and fish tank equipment.
These fish have become very popular because of how easy they are to take care of. They’re considered to be excellent beginner fish for those who are starting freshwater aquariums.
However, you might not be aware that there are actually quite a few different types of angelfish. You might only be familiar with the angelfish that you’ve seen at the pet store and bought for your home aquarium.
There are many more angelfish out there that are different in various ways. You’ll find angelfish that have been bred to have different coloration and markings.
Aside from those angelfish, there are also many unique angelfish species to consider. This article is designed to show you all about many different types of angelfish.
You’re going to learn about many popular freshwater and saltwater species. You’ll also get information about how you’re supposed to take care of them.
Common Freshwater Angelfish
The first type of angelfish that you should know about is the common freshwater angelfish. There are many different types of common freshwater angelfish that have been bred to look different.
Essentially, people have bred these fish so that they have different markings and color variations. It makes the fish look a lot different, but they’re still essentially the same fish.
As such, the care recommendations for common angelfish will be the same among all of the fish that you’re going to learn about below.
These fish are considered to be stellar beginner fish for those who are just getting into home aquariums. They’re very hardy and taking care of them shouldn’t be hard even if you make a few mistakes.
That being said, it’s still going to be important to get the water parameters taken care of properly. You want the temperature of the water to stay between 76 degrees Fahrenheit and 84 degrees Fahrenheit when caring for these angelfish.
The pH balance of the water should stay between 6.8 and 7.8. You should keep an eye on things so that you can make adjustments if necessary.
Remember to try to keep the water clean as well. It’s recommended to do weekly water changes where you change out 15% of the water.
All of these fish are omnivores and they’re really easy to feed. You want to feed them fish flakes, shrimp pellets, and frozen shrimp.
These fish will grow to be as long as ten inches in some instances, but some might be as small as six inches upon maturity. It really depends on the fish and how well you care for it.
Since these fish have somewhat tall bodies due to their fins, it’s recommended to keep them in fish tanks that are both tall and wide. It’s also important to keep the fish in fish tanks where they have more than enough space to feel comfortable.
All of these fish are mildly aggressive. They can get territorial if you put them in a cramped environment.
Freshwater angelfish will be able to live in community tanks with other fish, but you’ll need to research compatible tank mates first. Otherwise, you’re very likely to encounter problems.
If you take care of these fish very well, then they might live as long as ten years in captivity. They’re definitely great additions to your fish tank if you’re looking for colorful and easy to care for fish.
Koi Angelfish
Koi angelfish are very popular types of freshwater angelfish. They have been bred to have coloration that makes them resemble koi fish.
This means that they’re white, gold, and a bit black. They really do look quite nice when you watch them swim around in the fish tank.
Most of these fish will grow to be around six inches long. They’re easy to take care of, and you’re going to have a good time keeping them in your tank.
Zebra Angelfish
Zebra angelfish are another type of common freshwater angelfish that you’ll often find being sold in pet stores. These fish have been specifically bred to look like zebras in certain ways.
Basically, this means that the fish has markings that resemble zebra stripes. They look really cool in a community tank setting.
Many of these fish have been known to grow to be ten inches long. They don’t do well in smaller tanks, but they’re generally very low-maintenance fish.
Gold Angelfish
Gold angelfish are just another variation of the common freshwater angelfish. They’re going to do well in the same water parameters as recommended for freshwater angelfish earlier.
Some say that it’s best to keep the pH balance on the low side for these fish. You might want to stick to a 6.8 or 6.9 pH balance to be safe.
They’ve been bred so that they have beautiful golden bodies. This is a truly graceful fish that you’ll love watching swim around in your aquarium.
Silver Angelfish
Silver angelfish are very similar to the gold angelfish mentioned above. The difference is that these fish have been bred to look silver.
These angelfish are among the most popular ones that you can find. The silver angelfish have three stripes on their bodies that help them to stand out.
One of the stripes always goes through the eye of the fish and the other two are across the body. These fish are very simple to take care of and they’re truly beautiful to look at.
Marble Angelfish
Marble angelfish are very interesting because they have such a distinct look. They do look a bit like the zebra angelfish in some ways, but they can have different coloring.
Some marble angelfish have black, white, and yellow marbled coloring. If you’re looking for a fish that will stand out in the fish tank, then these angelfish will certainly fit the bill.
They should do well with standard freshwater angelfish water parameter recommendations. Remember to give them more than enough space and they will thrive in your home aquarium.
Black Veil Angelfish
The black veil angelfish will be among the most stunning freshwater angelfish that you can purchase. Breeders worked for decades to perfect the look of this very pretty freshwater angelfish.
It is a black angelfish, but it’s anything but generic. You’ll need to see how elegant this fish looks when swimming around in the aquarium to truly understand how great it is.
As usual, it’s an easy fish to take care of. It’s a pretty hardy fish that you’re not going to have to worry about too much so long as you’re meeting its basic care needs.
Leopard Angelfish
Leopard angelfish are definitely intriguing because they have spots that appear to look like the spots of a leopard. Even the coloring matches up nicely with that of a leopard.
One thing to take note of is that you want the lighting in the tank to be just right for these fish. It’s said that mistakes with the lighting could harm the coloration of the fish and cause it to fade away.
Regardless, these are very interesting fish that are worth looking into for angelfish enthusiasts. They’ll definitely be good additions to your aquarium if you’d like a new type of angelfish.
Albino Angelfish
As you’d expect by the name, the albino angelfish is a type of fish that is very white. It was bred from wild freshwater angelfish that can be found in the Amazon River.
These fish really seem to like aquatic plants. You should have plenty of live plants in the fish tank for these fish to hide in.
Some of the best options include Jungle Val and Amazon Sword. You should always keep aquatic plants in the aquarium when you’re taking care of angelfish.
Platinum Angelfish
Platinum angelfish might look simple at first glance, but there is beauty in the simple coloration of this fish. The fish will have a sort of white and grey look to it.
As with all of the fish mentioned above, this is a hardy fish. It should thrive in your tank if you keep it in the right water parameters.
It’ll be able to live for a long time, too. These are excellent angelfish that come highly recommended to anyone who is looking for a pretty new freshwater angelfish to add to an aquarium.
Ghost Angelfish
There are actually many types of ghost angelfish being sold in various marketplaces. The most common type is the grey ghost angelfish.
They’re usually a plain grey color, but some of them will have stripes form when they age. You’ll find the look of these angelfish to be quite aesthetically pleasing.
Many people wind up pairing the grey ghost angelfish with the platinum angelfish mentioned above. The two fish really do look amazing together in a fish tank.
Altum Angelfish
The Altum angelfish is slightly different from many of the other angelfish mentioned above. As such, you’re going to need to alter the water parameters a bit.
These fish like warmer waters, and this means that you’ll need to keep the water temperature in the tank between 82 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH level for these fish should remain between 4.8 and 6.2.
As you can tell, that’s radically different from the recommendations for the other freshwater angelfish mentioned so far. These angelfish also need you to keep an eye on the water hardness because it needs to be kept below 5.0.
These are a different type of angelfish than the ones mentioned earlier. They’re still hardy and easy to take care of, but you’ll just need to keep an eye on the water parameters.
Saltwater Angelfish
Next, you’re going to learn about various types of saltwater angelfish. These fish are a lot different than the ones mentioned above.
The freshwater angelfish above are all really similar because they’ve just been bred in captivity to look different. The fish below are actually different species of fish that you’ll find in the wild.
Remember that saltwater aquariums are generally tougher to take care of than saltwater aquariums. As such, it’s recommended that you don’t start with a saltwater tank if you’re a beginner.
After you’ve gained a bit of experience taking care of fish, it’ll be fun to revisit the idea of keeping saltwater tanks. Many of the angelfish listed below will be easy enough to care for, but some are a bit tougher than others.
Flame Angelfish
Flame angelfish are considered to be one of the most popular saltwater angelfish on the market. These fish are great to put in a home saltwater tank because they look truly stunning.
They have orange-red, black, and blue bodies that make it look like they truly have a core of fire. It’s quite easy to tell why people started to call them flame angelfish when you look at them.
There are some variations of the flame angelfish, too. Some can be found in the waters of Hawaii while others are found in Tahiti.
The ones found in Tahiti have an intense red color to them that make them particularly popular. Usually, these versions will be more expensive to procure.
Caring for flame angelfish should be easy enough if you take the right steps. It’s recommended to introduce them to fish tanks that have already been established so that they don’t encounter issues.
They’re considered to be hardy fish that will eat pretty much whatever you give them. Flame angelfish like to eat brine shrimp and spirulina flakes.
It’s also good to note that these fish are considered to be good community tank dwellers. They aren’t too aggressive and usually get along with many other fish.
In captivity, these fish should live between five and seven years. This is assuming that you’re taking care of them to the best of your ability.
You want to keep these fish in water that is between 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH balance should be between 8.0 and 8.4 and the salinity of the water should be between 1.020 and 1.025.
Queen Angelfish
Queen angelfish are among the most impressive saltwater angelfish that you can find. They can grow to be as large as twenty inches in some cases.
Caring for queen angelfish is said to be a bit difficult. You’ll need to have a pretty big tank if you want to keep one of these in your home, and that won’t be practical for everyone.
The water parameters when caring for this fish shouldn’t be too hard to get right. You want the temperature of the water to stay between 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 78 degrees Fahrenheit.
The salinity of the water should remain between 1.020 and 1.025 while the pH balance should stay between 8.1 and 8.4.
You can find this species in the tropical waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean. In the wild, queen angelfish feed on sponges, jellyfish, coral, and algae.
When in captivity, you’ll be able to feed these fish frozen angelfish foods that you can buy at aquarium stores. Just remember that most people won’t be putting these fish in their homes.
You’d need to have a 180-gallon fish tank at a minimum. That’s much bigger than most people will have room for.
A queen angelfish should be able to live for up to fifteen years. This is assuming that you’re giving it the best care possible.
Emperor Angelfish
Emperor angelfish are another large type of saltwater angelfish that you’ll want to learn about. These fish can grow to be as large as sixteen inches long.
You’ll find them in the wild in the waters of the Indo-Pacific. They have gorgeous black, blue, and white swirls that will become more marbled as the fish gets older.
When the fish reaches three years old, it’ll gain yellow and blue stripes that will work as a perfect accent to the black mask of the fish. This is certainly an impressive fish to behold.
As an omnivore, this fish is going to eat many things in the wild. They often eat sponges in the wild, though.
In captivity, you’ll be able to feed the emperor angelfish with either vegetable or carnivorous preparations. They are semi-aggressive fish, but it isn’t unusual for them to pair off in captivity.
In the wild, it has been observed that emperor angelfish will sometimes form a group of three with one male and two females. These fish are moderately difficult to care for and require a large fish tank.
The emperor angelfish will thrive in water temperatures that remain between 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH balance of the water needs to stay between 8.1 and 8.4 while the salinity of the water should stay between 1.020 and 1.025.
This fish can live a long time in captivity. It’s said that emperor angelfish live between fifteen and eighteen years when kept in fish tanks and given optimal care.
Potter’s Pygmy Angelfish
Potter’s Pygmy angelfish will be good options for those looking for easy saltwater angels to care for. These fish will wind up being between four and five inches in size at maturity.
Feeding these fish will be simple enough since they eat vegetable-based preparations. They adjust well to captivity, too.
If you plan to keep this fish in your home aquarium, then you’ll need to have a 70-gallon fish tank or larger. This is a semi-aggressive fish that needs space.
You’ll have to introduce this fish last if adding it to a community tank due to its semi-aggressive nature. It makes it easier for the rest of the tank to adjust.
Water parameters for this fish will be pretty standard for saltwater angelfish. You want to keep the temperature of the water between 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 78 degrees Fahrenheit.
The salinity of the water should stay between 1.020 and 1.025 as usual. You want the pH balance to remain between 8.1 and 8.4.
The life expectancy of these fish will vary based on whether they’re in the wild or in captivity. In the wild, the fish is only expected to live for around six years, but some specimens in captivity have lived for as long as fourteen years.
Keyhole Angelfish
Keyhole angelfish are very common in the Indo-Pacific waters. They aren’t as colorful as many other types of saltwater angelfish, but they still look really cool.
Their blue and black bodies will typically have a single white spot. The white spot is what gives the fish the “keyhole” name.
You should know that keyhole angelfish can be quite aggressive. They will chase fish that are similar in size, and this includes other angelfish.
These fish aren’t reef safe either since they will eat corals as well as various other reef organisms. They’ll eat many different types of food preparations, and this means that getting food from the pet store won’t be a problem.
A keyhole angelfish will grow to be around six inches long at maturity. It should be fairly easy to care for, too.
Taking care of the water parameters will be important, of course. The water temperature should stay between 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 82 degrees Fahrenheit when caring for a keyhole angelfish.
The salinity of the water is supposed to stay between 1.020 and 1.025. You want the pH balance to remain between 8.1 and 8.4.
Final Thoughts
You’ve spent a lot of time learning about various types of angelfish now. There are so many different fish out there that you can choose to bring into your home.
It’s no wonder that angelfish have become some of the most popular aquarium fish. They’re truly quite beautiful and they’re also usually pretty easy to take care of.
Enjoy the angelfish that you have and consider which ones you might want to get in the future. You’ll have lots of choices now that you’re aware of how many different kinds of angelfish are on the market.
You might even want to branch out and start buying saltwater angelfish. Just be sure to follow the care advice for each individual fish so that you can get good results.
Jeff has always enjoyed having pets, but as a child, he was drawn to his family’s fish tank. Being able to maintain a small ecosystem and observe the behaviors and interactions in the underwater world peaked his interest early on and has kept him hooked until this day. On Avid Aquarist, Jeff shares everything he’s learned about helping aquatic life survive and thrive in a home aquarium.