Have you been thinking of buying some angelfish for your home aquarium? These fish are truly going to be a good fit for your home from an aesthetic perspective.
They’re gorgeous fish, and you can find them in many different colors. It should be rather easy to find an angelfish that you’re going to be happy with.
That being said, it’s not a good idea to put angelfish in just any fish tank. There might be some fish tanks that won’t be suitable for these fish.
What size tank should you use for angelfish? Keep reading to get more information about recommended fish tank sizes for angelfish.
You’ll learn about various aquarium sizes and whether or not they’re appropriate. It should help you to feel more confident when buying angelfish for your home.
Minimum Tank Size
Most experts will tell you that you don’t want to keep angelfish in a fish tank that is too small. For this reason, it’s going to be important to ensure that you have more than enough space for a decent-sized aquarium.
At a minimum, you’re going to want to have a 10-gallon fish tank for an angelfish. If you’re planning to take care of multiple angelfish, then you’re going to need a tank that is at least twice as big.
Putting an angelfish in a tank that is too small will just make them stressed. This will cause the fish to be less healthy than usual, and you certainly don’t want that.
If you don’t have enough room in your home for at least a 10-gallon fish tank, then you really shouldn’t buy angelfish. Many enthusiasts would say that 20-gallon tanks should be the minimum size since you’d likely want to buy two fish.
Ideal Size for One Angelfish
One angelfish is going to need at least ten gallons of space. This means that you’ll want to purchase a 10-gallon aquarium if you plan to keep one angelfish in your home.
Of course, this is assuming that you’re only going to be keeping one fish in the fish tank. If you plan to add other fish, then a 10-gallon tank would be too small.
Many people would say that buying a larger tank than this would be a better idea. If you want the fish to be happy and healthy, then buying a larger tank is highly recommended.
That being said, there are people who have had good experiences caring for one angelfish in a 10-gallon fish tank. It’s up to you to decide how you want to approach things, but remember that a bigger tank will generally be better.
Ideal Size for Two Angelfish
The vast majority of people who look into buying angelfish will want to purchase at least two angelfish. You’ll likely want to purchase one male angelfish and one female angelfish.
The minimum tank size for two angelfish should be a 20-gallon tank. Two fish should be able to do fine in a 20-gallon tank so long as you aren’t putting any other fish in there.
However, the fish will be even more comfortable if you choose to give them a larger tank. Many enthusiasts recommend keeping two angelfish in a 29-gallon fish tank or a 30-gallon fish tank.
You should try to give the fish as much room as you can so that they will be happy. Angelfish don’t like to be placed in cramped aquariums.
If you use a 29-gallon tank or larger, then you’ll have more than enough space for two angelfish. It should make it easier to have enough room for aquatic plants and other important things that make the aquarium feel more natural to the angelfish.
Ideal Size for Four Angelfish
It isn’t uncommon for people to keep four angelfish in one fish tank either. If you want to keep just angelfish in the fish tank, then you’re likely wondering how big of a tank you need.
Technically, you’re supposed to be able to get away with a 40-gallon fish tank when planning to keep four angelfish. However, this is going to be far from the ideal size.
There are many factors to consider such as the gender of the angelfish. Male angelfish don’t get along well, and this means that they will fight.
If you place two male angelfish in the same tank, then they might keep going at each other. The fish can injure each other, and it can become a real problem if you don’t take care of things.
Knowing this, a 40-gallon tank likely won’t be sufficient if you’re planning to keep two pairs of angelfish. When keeping multiple male angelfish in the same tank, you want to have lots of space so that the fish will be able to stay away from each other.
A 55-gallon fish tank might work nicely, but you could go larger than that as well. Perhaps a 70-gallon tank would be good, but it’s up to you to decide how much room you can dedicate to a fish tank in your home.
How Many Angelfish Per Gallon?
You’re supposed to give each angelfish ten gallons of space. This means that for every angelfish you want to buy, you’re going to need to have ten gallons of space in your tank.
If you want to care for four fish, then the minimum tank size would be forty gallons. You can keep doing the math from there.
However, there are more factors to consider. As mentioned above, male angelfish don’t get along well.
It’s recommended to give angelfish more space than they need so that they won’t fight. It might be more practical to keep multiple male angelfish in the same tank if you have a very large aquarium.
Otherwise, you might wind up dealing with significant angelfish aggression issues. Keep this information in mind so that you can make good choices for the sake of your fish.
The Ideal Size for Breeding
A breeding tank is a tank that is set up with the express purpose of getting two angelfish to breed. You put an angelfish pair in a breeding tank when you want to get them to make more angelfish.
If you put the fish in too small of a tank, then you’re not going to get good results. It’s imperative to have a tank that is at least big enough for the two fish.
So you’ll need a 20-gallon tank if you want to have a successful breeding tank. Most agree that a 29-gallon tank will be the ideal size, though.
Before setting up your breeding tank, it’ll be wise to ensure that you have enough space for a 29-gallon aquarium. Remember that you will want to put things such as aquatic plants in the tank and possibly breeding slates or breeding cones.
Can Angelfish Live in a Bowl?
Generally, angelfish are not going to do well living in fish bowls. Most fish bowls are going to be way too small for the angelfish.
You already know that one angelfish needs ten gallons of space. The common fish bowls that you will find for sale only have one gallon or one and a half gallons of space.
That means that a fish bowl would be way too small for the angelfish to be comfortable. If you try to put the fish in such a small fish bowl, then it’s going to be stressed, and it probably won’t live long.
Another thing to consider is the shape of fish bowls. These shapes aren’t good for the angelfish because of the fact that they have somewhat tall bodies.
You want the fish tanks that you put angelfish in to be tall enough to house them comfortably. Tall and wide aquariums are the best for these fish because of the way that their bodies are shaped.
Can Angelfish Live Alone?
You might wonder whether or not it’s right to keep angelfish alone in a tank. Will an angelfish be happy if it’s forced to live alone in an aquarium?
Many people say that it isn’t a good idea to keep angelfish alone. However, there are also many people who say that it’s fine to keep one angelfish by itself.
This means that it’s kind of hard to give you a definitive answer to this question. It’s likely that it’s better to keep angelfish in pairs or small groups.
Many say that it’s going to make the angelfish happier to be kept with more of its kind. Just know that there are examples of people caring for single angelfish in home aquariums and having fine results.
Some just have a moral problem with keeping a single angelfish in isolation. What you decide to do will be up to you and your sensibilities.
Can Angelfish Live Alone in a Community Tank?
Yes, angelfish should be able to live alone in a community tank. There’s no reason why the fish would die being put in such a situation.
Of course, you can refer to the information above about angelfish living alone to get more information. Angelfish can live without other angelfish around, but some people consider this to be improper.
In some cases, the fish might wind up hanging out with some of the other fish in the tank when it doesn’t have other angelfish around. Of course, you’ll need to make sure that the angelfish is compatible with the other fish that are being placed in the community tank.
There are many fish that angelfish get along with just fine in a community tank setting. There are also many other fish that won’t get along with the mildly aggressive angelfish at all.
It’s important to do a little research before you put an angelfish in a community aquarium. That being said, most prefer to keep angelfish in pairs.
Keeping two angelfish in a community tank will be a more common situation. Some say that angelfish get a bit more aggressive when they pair off, though.
This is likely because the angelfish become more aggressive when they need to protect their eggs. It’s a natural thing that you really can’t avoid.
If you’re keeping the angelfish in a fish tank with compatible tank mates, then it shouldn’t be a huge issue. Just keep an eye on things to see how they’re going.
Do Angelfish Need to Be in Pairs?
As mentioned earlier, it’s technically fine for angelfish to be kept alone. It’s just not ideal, and some people find keeping angelfish alone to be morally wrong.
The argument is that angelfish will not live in isolation in the wild. Therefore, keeping angelfish in a fish tank alone doesn’t seem right.
Truly, it’s better to keep angelfish in pairs. You’ll likely have the best experience if you choose to approach things this way.
This is also why it’s a good idea to ensure that you have enough space in the fish tank for at least two angelfish. If you don’t, then you’re not going to be able to have a very good time with all of this.
Two angelfish should form a pair, and they’ll generally be happy together. They can be aggressive at times, but they are only mildly aggressive.
Some say that angelfish get more aggressive when they pair off. This has to do with breeding and the angelfish needing to protect their eggs.
For the most part, this isn’t going to be a problem. However, it can be beneficial to put a breeding pair in their own breeding tank.
This ensures that the angelfish don’t feel threatened by other fish. They won’t have to chase off other fish and keep them away from their eggs if they’re safe in an isolated breeding tank.
It’s very likely that you’re going to want to keep angelfish in pairs. Plan to keep at least two angelfish if you want to buy these fish since that’s what most enthusiasts say you should do.
Are Angelfish Good Community Tank Fish?
Angelfish can be good community tank fish, but you need to make sure that you get things right. You can’t just put the angelfish in a tank with any fish and have things go well.
Since angelfish are mildly aggressive, they might wind up bullying certain types of fish. They’re omnivores, too, and this means that they will eat fish that are small enough to put in their mouths.
Before setting up a community tank, you need to take the time to research potential tank mates for the angels. This will give you specific information about whether the type of fish that you want to add to the tank will be compatible with angelfish or not.
Remember that you’ll need to consider the compatibility of all of the fish that you wish to add to the tank. This means doing quite a bit of research, but it isn’t as if the information is hard to find.
Angelfish can get along with quite a few different types of fish in a community tank setting. You should have plenty of options to consider, and you’ll be happy with your community tank overall.
How Big Should the Community Tank Be?
Determining the ideal size of the community fish tank is going to be a little bit tough. You can’t just throw a number out there because you have to determine what type of fish you wish to add to the tank.
Remember that angelfish don’t like to be placed in cramped fish tanks. If you overcrowd the community tank, then the angelfish are going to get stressed.
This means that ensuring that you have more than enough space for all of the fish that you wish to add to the tank will be the way to go. If you research how much space each fish requires, then you can get a good idea of how big your community tank will need to be.
Ideally, you should have a larger tank than you need for all of the fish that you wish to add. It’s better to give the fish more space than it is to give them just enough space.
It’ll also be worthwhile to consider the behaviors of the fish and the space that they occupy. Angelfish usually hang out in the middle of the aquarium and sometimes they might swim closer to the top.
Getting fish for the community tank that occupy the bottom section will be a great idea. This should ensure that there won’t be disputes over territory.
If possible, try to get as large of a fish tank as you can for the community tank. You’ll have happier fish that won’t feel stressed due to overcrowding issues.
Which Fish Are Good Tank Mates for Angelfish?
There are so many excellent tank mates for angelfish that you can consider. Corydoras catfish are often considered to be some of the best options by enthusiasts.
They work out so well because they’re peaceful fish that occupy the bottom of the tank. You’ll have a good experience if you choose to buy these fish for the community aquarium.
Swordtails work out nicely as well because these fish get along well with the angelfish. They add a lot of color to any community tank, too.
Dwarf gouramis should be good additions to the fish tank. They won’t fight with the angelfish, and everything should go smoothly if you choose to put them in the aquarium.
Even guppies can work out in a community tank setting if you put them in with angelfish while the angelfish are still juveniles. As you can see, you have plenty of great tank mates that you can look into for the angelfish.
Finding fish that will get along with the angels won’t be too hard. If you don’t put in the effort, then things won’t go well, though.
You don’t want to put your angelfish in a tank with fish that they will harm. It’s also bad to put angelfish in a tank with fish that are larger and more aggressive.
The angelfish could wind up getting bullied in this situation. So long as you do your best to research things, you’ll be able to make good decisions for the angelfish so that you can have a satisfying community fish tank.
Always Put Aquatic Plants in the Fish Tank
Angelfish will feel much more comfortable in an aquarium if it has aquatic plants in it. In nature, angelfish like to hide in live plants.
They use aquatic plants for many different reasons. These plants are often used for breeding purposes.
Angelfish will choose to lay their eggs on or near aquatic plants. An angelfish might lay its eggs on the underside of a big leaf.
Even if you’re not concerned about angelfish breeding, it’s good to have these plants in the tank. They give the fish places where they can hide and get away from other fish.
You know that angelfish can get aggressive, and they might fight sometimes. Instead of continuing to fight, the fish might retreat and choose to hide among the aquatic plants.
In many ways, having plants in the tank can keep the peace in your aquarium. This is why you always need to ensure that you have room for live plants in your fish tank.
Final Thoughts
Knowing more about the ideal fish tank sizes for angelfish should help you out. You want to do your best to care for these fish, but it’ll be harder to do if you’re keeping them in fish tanks that are too small.
An angelfish needs a minimum of ten gallons of space. This is per fish, so that means that a pair of angelfish will need at least a 20-gallon tank to be happy.
It’s likely better to give them a larger fish tank than that, too. You want the fish to have more than enough space so that they can be happy and won’t feel the need to fight over territory.
When you keep all of this in mind, it makes it easier to successfully care for angelfish. You should be able to keep the angelfish happy and healthy in your home aquarium for a long time to come.
If you have any friends who are thinking of buying angelfish soon, then let them know what you learned today. It should help them out quite a bit so that they will be able to enjoy their angelfish instead of encountering significant health issues.
Jeff has always enjoyed having pets, but as a child, he was drawn to his family’s fish tank. Being able to maintain a small ecosystem and observe the behaviors and interactions in the underwater world peaked his interest early on and has kept him hooked until this day. On Avid Aquarist, Jeff shares everything he’s learned about helping aquatic life survive and thrive in a home aquarium.