Clownfish are incredibly popular pet fish due to a certain popular movie starring a cartoon clownfish. Many people wind up seeking out clownfish for their aquariums so that their children will enjoy getting involved with aquariums.
Of course, taking care of fish will always be a big responsibility. As with all fish, you’re going to need to be able to meet the basic care needs of clownfish for them to survive in your fish tank.
Can clownfish be considered to be hardy, though? Or will they be a poor choice for a beginner?
Continue reading to learn more about clownfish and how hardy they are. This should make it a lot easier to determine if this fish is the right type to add to your aquarium.
Clownfish Are Fairly Hardy
You can consider clownfish to be fairly hardy overall. These fish are going to be excellent options for those who are just getting started out.
If you’re installing your first aquarium soon, then clownfish will be a good choice. You’ll be able to get used to taking care of them rather easily.
Taking care of clownfish won’t be that tough overall. An average person is going to be able to handle the upkeep of a clownfish tank without it being a problem.
That being said, clownfish will be harder to care for than basic freshwater fish. You have to keep in mind that they are saltwater fish, and this means that you’ll have a bit more work to do to keep the tank going properly.
If you’re looking for good freshwater fish to start with as a beginner, then you might wish to go for fish such as guppies or angelfish. When you’ve already gotten used to caring for a freshwater tank, clownfish will be great for your first foray into saltwater aquariums.
So if you feel that you’re ready to put a saltwater fish tank in your home, then you should do well with clownfish. Below, you’ll get some information about the care requirements for clownfish so that you can make a decision about what to do.
Water Requirements
The basic water requirements need to be met to keep clownfish healthy. You’re specifically going to need to pay attention to the pH balance of the water and the temperature of the water.
Keep the pH balance of the water between 7.8 and 8.4 to ensure that your clownfish stay as healthy as possible. When the balance gets thrown off, it’s going to be bad for the fish for things to stay outside of the healthy range for too long.
You’ll want to test the pH balance of the water regularly to ensure that it stays in the right range. This can be done by purchasing simple pH testing kits that you can use on the water.
It’s easy enough to alter the balance if things are a little high or a little low. You just use special chemicals that will help the balance to shift back in the right direction.
Water temperature is another facet that you must monitor at all times. The ideal temperature range for clownfish is between 74 degrees Fahrenheit and 79 degrees Fahrenheit.
Be careful about the current as well. You need to have a current running in the water, but you don’t want it to be too strong for the clownfish.
It’s said that the water gravity should be between 1.021 and 1.026 in the tank. You can protect the clownfish from water flow that is slightly too strong by placing aquatic plants and rocks in the tank.
How Big Should the Fish Tank Be?
You can actually keep clownfish in tanks that are fairly small if you don’t have a lot of room to work with. Ideally, you’ll want to purchase a 20-gallon tank or a slightly larger one.
However, many of the fish that people like to pair with clownfish prefer much larger tanks than this. If you have any plans to an anemone to the tank, then you’ll likely want to purchase a 55-gallon tank.
If you’re just putting clownfish in the tank, then a 20-gallon tank will suffice for two of the fish. For every clownfish that you wish to add to the tank, it’s recommended to have ten gallons of space.
So this means that four clownfish should have a 40-gallon tank so that they will have enough room. Keep this in mind when you’re getting everything that you need to set the tank up in the house.
Clownfish Are Easy to Feed
One of the best things about clownfish is that they’re very easy to feed. This is perfect for a beginner.
Since these fish are omnivores, they’re going to be able to eat many things. In the wild, they eat algae, fish eggs, larvae, small crustaceans, and more.
At home, you’ll be able to feed the clownfish flakes and pellets that are meant for clownfish. You’re supposed to feed adult clownfish twice per day and young clownfish three or four times per day.
They need to be fed in the safe zone where they like to stay while they’re small. This is because they have problems getting around due to the current when they’re still small and weak.
General Care Tips
These hardy fish are easy to care for, but you still have to actually take care of them. This means monitoring the water parameters and keeping the tank clean.
It’s recommended to change out 15% of the water each week. This helps to keep things clean, and it’ll make it less likely that the clownfish will get sick.
Try not to feed the clownfish more than they can eat. You’ll get a good feel for how much to give them as you continue to care for the fish.
Remove excess food with a scoop since leaving organic matter in the tank can throw off the balance. You don’t want the ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels to rise since that would be bad for the fish.
Keep an eye on the clownfish to check for signs of diseases. These fish are susceptible to conditions such as ick and dropsy.
Catching things early should allow you to treat the fish. Just remember to look out for discolorations or odd changes in behavior.
So long as you keep all of this in mind, you won’t have a tough time caring for clownfish. They’ll be great pet fish that you can enjoy for quite some time.
Jeff has always enjoyed having pets, but as a child, he was drawn to his family’s fish tank. Being able to maintain a small ecosystem and observe the behaviors and interactions in the underwater world peaked his interest early on and has kept him hooked until this day. On Avid Aquarist, Jeff shares everything he’s learned about helping aquatic life survive and thrive in a home aquarium.