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What Do Clownfish Eat? (The Best Options for Your Aquarium)

What Do Clownfish Eat? (The Best Options for Your Aquarium)

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This post is written to the author's best knowledge and is not intended to be used in place of veterinary advice. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Having clownfish in your home aquarium will be incredibly satisfying. They’re such interesting fish to observe, and they certainly look amazing from an aesthetic perspective.

In order to keep your clownfish looking their best, it’s going to be imperative to feed them properly. If you’re still new to taking care of these fish, then you might still be learning what they like to eat.

What do clownfish eat? Are there specific types of food that you should feed them if you want them to thrive in a fish tank?

Read on to learn about what clownfish like to eat. You’ll also get specific advice about how to feed them and get them to grow as strong as possible.

Are Clownfish Herbivores?

Clownfish are not considered to be herbivores. They’re omnivores, and this means that they will pretty much eat whatever type of food that they can find.

A clownfish is going to eat many different things in the wild. It will feed on other fish, but it often won’t kill the fish itself.

Clownfish might eat fish that have been stung and killed by an anemone. They’ll also eat algae, the dead tentacles of anemones, and many other things.

Since clownfish are omnivores, they’re going to enjoy many different foods. This gives you plenty of options to consider when you’re trying to figure out what to feed the clownfish in your fish tank.

Below, you’ll learn more about what you’re supposed to feed these fish. You’ll also get the answers to common questions about whether clownfish can eat specific types of food.

All of this information should give you a much clearer picture of how to feed these fish. You’ll have the easiest time possible caring for these fish and you’ll be glad that you took the time to learn.

Do Different Clownfish Eat Different Things?

Since different clownfish will be found in different waters, it is true that some clownfish will eat different things. This doesn’t mean that the diet of a specific type of clownfish is going to differ wildly, though.

All clownfish are considered to be omnivores. They all eat the same types of foods, and this makes it easy to figure out what to feed them.

You don’t have to be worried about the difference between Cinnamon clownfish and True Percula clownfish when it comes to deciding what they should eat. Both fish have incredibly similar nutritional requirements.

It’s easier to generalize and just look up recommended clownfish food. You don’t necessarily have to worry about the specific species of clownfish that you’re dealing with.

Some clownfish are going to be larger than others, of course. This could mean that a Maroon clownfish might eat slightly more than an Ocellaris clownfish.

However, it’s not such a significant difference that you will need to be concerned. You can take care of the clownfish by feeding them generally recommended foods.

The information below will tell you what you need to feed clownfish. This should make it so that you won’t have to guess if you’re doing the right thing.

What to Feed a Clownfish

When you’re feeding a clownfish in your fish tank, there are going to be many different types of food that you can give it. Since these fish are omnivores, they’ll be open to eating many different types of things.

This doesn’t mean that feeding these fish needs to be a complicated process, though. Most clownfish enthusiasts choose to stick to feeding them a few different foods.

The most common food that you will wind up giving the fish will be marine fish flakes. These fish flakes contain the necessary protein and nutrients that the clownfish need to thrive.

It’ll be simple to buy the marine fish flakes from any pet store that sells fish and aquarium products. Some choose to give the clownfish spirulina fish flakes instead, but it’s up to you to decide which you want to go with.

Of course, the clownfish will also appreciate various types of nutrition pellets. Many people choose to give clownfish shrimp pellets or nutrition pellets that are made using algae.

Clownfish will very much enjoy various types of freeze-dried fish foods. You could give them freeze-dried brine shrimp on occasion.

It isn’t uncommon for people to feed clownfish live fish foods either. You might think that doing this sometimes will be appropriate, but it isn’t necessary to keep clownfish in good health.

What to Feed Baby Clownfish

Baby clownfish (also referred to as clownfish fry) won’t be able to eat normal clownfish preparations just yet. In the wild, these fish would be feeding on very small things.

You’re supposed to give them gut-loaded rotifers. The rotifers need to be gut-loaded with phytoplankton so that the baby clownfish can get the nutrition that they need.

Baby clownfish must be fed multiple times per day, too. They can’t fit a lot in their stomachs at once since they start out so small.

As they grow, you’ll be able to start feeding them newly hatched brine shrimp. With continued growth, you can start crushing up fish flakes and giving them those.

When the baby clownfish start to look closer to normal clownfish, you’ll just be feeding them the normal foods that you would give a clownfish. It just takes weeks and months for them to reach new stages of growth.

Clownfish fry will eat rotifers until they’re around twelve days old. It’s recommended to start feeding them baby brine shrimp when they’re around eight days old.

There’s some overlap there, and this helps to account for some of the clownfish fry having different growth rates. Once it reaches the juvenile stage, you’ll just be able to give it normal clownfish foods.

Note that juvenile clownfish need to eat more often than adult clownfish. These fish should be fed three or four times per day.

How Often to Feed Clownfish

You learned a bit about feeding baby clownfish above. In that section, you learned that baby clownfish and juvenile clownfish need to be fed more often.

When clownfish are in a juvenile state, you’ll need to feed them three or four times per day. Once the clownfish has reached adulthood, it’ll only need to be fed once or twice per day.

Most people stick to feeding adult clownfish twice per day to get the best results. You’re supposed to feed the clownfish as much food as it can finish in around two minutes.

This recommendation is designed to keep you from feeding the fish too much. If a clownfish eats more than it should, then it could become constipated.

Constipation leads to certain health issues that can be problematic. This is why it’s crucial to do your best to feed your clownfish the appropriate amount of food.

Thankfully, it’s not too hard to get this right once you get used to feeding the fish. You won’t necessarily have to get a stopwatch out and be meticulous, but you should keep the recommendation in mind.

Always remove any excess food from the fish tank, too. The presence of leftover food should be taken as a sign that you’ve been feeding the fish too much.

Try to give the clownfish a bit less the next time you feed them. Eventually, you’re going to get things just right.

What Do Clownfish Eat in an Aquarium?

Clownfish eat many different things in an aquarium setting. They’ll eat a lot of different stuff if you put it in front of them.

As mentioned earlier, most clownfish owners are going to choose to feed them fish flakes as the primary portion of their diet. You’ll likely want to give the fish marine fish flakes or spirulina fish flakes.

They also love eating many types of nutritional pellets. Shrimp pellets and other types of pellets will be favorites of these fish.

Clownfish will eat freeze-dried fish foods if you want to buy those. It’s common for people to give clownfish freeze-dried brine shrimp.

You could also give the fish live foods such as shrimp. They will certainly eat foods such as this if you want to go to the trouble of buying them.

Remember that you don’t necessarily have to give the fish all of these things. It’s beneficial to vary the diet of the fish a bit to ensure that it is getting the right nutrients.

However, you don’t need to go overboard with offering fish exotic foods. You can find a recommended diet plan that works to give the fish everything that they need.

Some choose to consult exotic veterinarians about what to feed clownfish. They can certainly give you an easy plan to follow if you’d like professional advice.

Truly, you should be fine giving the fish the marine fish flakes most of the time. Then you can mix things up by also giving the clownfish nutritional pellets and freeze-dried foods from time to time.

Do Clownfish Eat Seaweed?

Since clownfish are herbivores, it’s going to be very common for them to eat seaweed. You could consider seaweed to be one of their favorite natural veggies from the oceans.

Many different types of nutritional pellets will contain seaweed. So if you want to give your clownfish seaweed, then there are quite a few different ways to go about doing it.

Seaweed can easily become a natural part of the feeding routine. After all, these fish will eat seaweed in the wild, and it makes sense that they would like it in a fish tank setting, too.

It’s good to give the fish a balanced diet, and this is why things such as seaweed and algae will be important. Keep this in mind and you should be able to come up with a great balanced diet for your clownfish.

Do Clownfish Eat Brine Shrimp?

Brine shrimp will be something that you clownfish will truly love eating. In fact, this is a rather common type of food that people give to clownfish.

You might already be feeding the clownfish brine shrimp if you’re giving them freeze-dried preparations. Freeze-dried brine shrimp is a very common meal that many fish seem to love.

It’s also common for people to buy live brine shrimp to feed to fish. If you’re looking for good live food for the clownfish that will give them the right nutrition, then this will work out nicely.

Also, it’s great that you can get live brine shrimp from common pet stores. Many local pet stores in your area are sure to sell brine shrimp as live food for various fish.

You should be able to get what you need without breaking the bank. Whether you’re looking for live brine shrimp or freeze-dried brine shrimp, it’ll be simple to find what you need.

Do Clownfish Eat Krill?

Krill are a type of shrimp, and some people choose to buy them as food for clownfish. Some say that Krill shrimp will be among the best live foods to feed clownfish.

It should be easy to get these shrimp from local pet shops that sell fish and aquarium accessories. Since these shrimp are so commonly sold as live food for fish, it’s going to be simple to locate what you need.

Remember that you don’t need to feed your clownfish live food all the time. Some enthusiasts say that giving clownfish live food on occasion will be a great idea, but this won’t likely be what you want to feed the fish on a daily basis.

Regardless, it’s good to know that clownfish can indeed eat krill. You might wish to mix things up by giving the clownfish krill sometimes and then giving them brine shrimp other times.

Do Clownfish Eat Algae?

You know that clownfish will eat seaweed, and you likely already suspect that they will eat algae. Clownfish very commonly eat algae, and it’s one of the most basic things that they will eat in the wild.

Most people feed clownfish algae in some form or another. It might come as a part of the nutrition pellets that you feed the fish.

Since it’s important to give clownfish a balanced diet, you’re going to want to include algae. This ensures that the clownfish are getting the right nutrients that they need to thrive.

So long as you’re putting in the effort, it’s likely that things will go fine. You’ll be able to find plenty of ways to feed your clownfish algae.

Do Clownfish Eat Copepods?

In the wild, clownfish will often eat copepods. In some cases, copepods will even be the primary thing that a group of clownfish will eat.

You can also choose to feed the clownfish in your tank copepods. Of course, it’ll be necessary to give the fish more than just copepods so that they will have a balanced diet.

Typically, people will buy frozen copepods to feed to their clownfish. These are readily available in most places where aquarium supplies are sold.

It’d be very simple to buy them online as well. You could easily make frozen copepods a regular part of the diet if you want to go that route.

How Much Do Clownfish Eat?

Honestly, clownfish will likely try to eat whenever you try to feed them. You could be really irresponsible and feed the clownfish more than they need.

If you just keep feeding the clownfish until they stop eating, then that’s going to be a bad thing. It’ll make it so that the clownfish will get constipated.

Constipation issues will cause the clownfish to experience swim bladder issues. You might notice the fish swimming upside down or otherwise not being able to swim normally.

The swim bladder is an organ that fish possess that helps them to regulate buoyancy. It’s something that makes it easier for fish to swim normally, and when the organ isn’t functioning properly, it makes it nearly impossible to get around.

When a fish is constipated, the swollen belly of the fish will press against the swim bladder. This causes it to malfunction, and the fish won’t be able to do what it needs to do.

You can alleviate this issue for the clownfish by feeding it a boiled pea. This will cause it to poop a lot so that it can get back to normal.

Do your best to keep all of this information in mind when deciding how much to feed the clownfish. Only feed an adult clownfish once or twice per day.

When you feed the fish, you’re supposed to only feed them as much as they can eat in two minutes. Don’t give them more food than that.

Juvenile clownfish need to be fed more often. They’re supposed to eat three to four times per day, but you still don’t want to overfeed them.

When Do Clownfish Eat?

In the wild, clownfish are going to eat whenever they’re hungry and have an opportunity to eat. In captivity, you’re going to decide when they eat.

It isn’t a situation where the clownfish are only going to want to eat at specific times of the day. You don’t have to feed them at noon every single day like clockwork if that doesn’t work for your schedule.

That being said, it’s going to be best to feed the clownfish at the same time each day. Set a schedule that works for you so that you can get consistent results.

You might want to feed the clownfish each morning before you go to work. Then you’ll feed them again when you get home from work.

Since adult clownfish need to eat once or twice per day, this will be a good schedule to maintain. Split up the food that you’re giving them so that they will get the nutrients that they need spread out across two feeding sessions.

When caring for juvenile clownfish, it’s important to feed them three to four times per day. You’ll have to work out a consistent schedule that makes sense for you.

Is Caring for Clownfish Hard?

Caring for clownfish isn’t very hard at all if you have a bit of experience taking care of fish. They’re even considered to be fantastic beginner fish for those who are just getting used to keeping saltwater aquariums.

You shouldn’t be intimidated by the prospect of caring for clownfish. It will be a good experience so long as you keep an eye on the water parameters.

Remember that you need to monitor the temperature of the water, the pH balance, and the salinity of the water. The temperature should remain between 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 78 degrees Fahrenheit on average.

You want the pH balance to stay between 7.8 and 8.4. The salinity of the water should remain between 1.021 and 1.026.

Other than that, you want to give the clownfish more than enough space. They don’t like being forced to live in cramped environments since they’re territorial and aggressive.

If you’re able to feed the fish well, then they will likely be healthy and strong in your fish tank. They’ll add a lot of joy to your life if you’re someone who likes taking care of fish.

Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve learned more about what to feed clownfish, it’s going to be easier to get optimal results. Feeding these fish will play an important role in keeping them as healthy as possible.

You want the fish to thrive under your care, and your goal is to allow them to enjoy a long and happy life. Giving them a consistent, nutritious diet will be a huge part of that.

Clownfish have the potential to live for ten to fifteen years in captivity. They’ll die in only three to six years if you’re not feeding them well and you aren’t paying attention to water parameters, though.

Do what you need to do to work out a good meal plan for your clownfish. This will allow the fish to grow strong, and they will stay as healthy as possible.

Remember that it’s best to feed adult clownfish once or twice per day. Juvenile clownfish need to eat three or four times per day.

Feeding the clownfish at the same time each day is likely going to be best. Working out a simple schedule that you can remember and stick to will be perfect.

Let anyone that you know who is interested in clownfish know about what you’ve learned today. This is useful information that should help more people to have an ideal experience caring for these wonderful fish.

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