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Dwarf gouramis are among the most popular types of gourami fish. These are incredibly hardy fish that are also quite beautiful. For the most part, dwarf gouramis are really hardy fish. They aren’t too tough to take care of, and you should be able to keep them in good health. Sometimes you might notice dwarf …

Read More about Why Is My Dwarf Gourami Swimming Up and Down the Glass?

You never want to have fish fighting in your aquarium. Gouramis are said to be very peaceful fish, and many consider them to be excellent community tank fish. This is why you might be surprised when the gouramis that you bought start fighting each other. If these fish are supposed to be peaceful, then why …

Read More about Why Are My Gouramis Fighting? (6 Potential Causes)

Both gouramis and bettas are incredibly popular fish. These two fish are quite common, and you might even be wondering about owning both of them. In some ways, gouramis and bettas seem to be similar. They do have many things in common, but they’re different in some important ways. Read on to learn about gourami …

Read More about Gouramis vs. Bettas (The Key Differences and Similarities)

Gouramis have the potential to be so much fun. These fish are great additions to your freshwater fish tank. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned aquarium pro, it’ll be great to have gouramis in your tank. If you recently purchased some, then you’re likely having a great time caring for them. They’re pretty easy …

Read More about 3 Potential Causes of a Gourami Ulcer

So many people find gouramis to be perfect fish for their freshwater aquariums. There are many reasons why these fish have become incredibly popular. Gouramis are relatively easy to take care of even for beginners. Most gourami types are hardy enough to survive even when you make a few minor mistakes. The fact that these …

Read More about Why Is My Gourami Swimming Erratically? (3 Common Reasons)

Most types of fish have swim bladders, and gouramis are no exception. A swim bladder is an organ that controls buoyancy, and when it’s malfunctioning, it’s going to cause many issues. You might see that your gourami fish will start swimming funny in the tank. It might appear as if the fish has very little …

Read More about Gourami Swim Bladder Issues: Everything You Need to Know

Under normal circumstances, your gouramis are going to be swimming near the top of the fish tank. This is because they’re labyrinth fish. These fish have a special organ that allows them to essentially “breathe oxygen” at the surface of the tank. For that reason, they stay near the top portion of the fish tank. …

Read More about Why Is My Gourami Sinking to the Bottom? (7 Causes)

There are many types of behaviors that you might find to be unusual when observing your gouramis. If you know how they normally act, then you’ll be concerned when you see them doing strange things. One such action involves the gouramis rubbing against things in the fish tank. You might see the gourami fish rubbing …

Read More about Why Is My Gourami Rubbing Against Things? (3 Likely Reasons)