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Can Platies and Tetras Live Together?

Can Platies and Tetras Live Together?

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This post is written to the author's best knowledge and is not intended to be used in place of veterinary advice. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Community tanks that house several species are by far more interesting than single-species tanks.

They’re more fun to watch, and you can learn about various breeds.

But the process of selecting tankmates can be a little challenging, especially if you’re a beginner aquarist.

Platy and tetra fish are among the most popular community tank fish. But can they live together? Will they attack one another?

Keep reading to find the answer to your questions.

Can Platies and Tetras Live Together?

Platies are among the most entertaining, sociable fish to add to your community tank. They’re curious, active, and docile when kept in the right conditions.

Many aquarists add platies to their aquariums because they’re lively and colorful. So, if you want to add more movement to your tank, you might think about tetras.

Tetras are colorful and hardy schooling fish, making them excellent tankmates for platies in the right conditions.

Housing a group of at least six tetras in your tank and keeping the aquarium clean and well-maintained is essential.

Since several types of tetras are available, you must do a little research to pick the best breed to accompany your platies.

Lemon tetras and Serpae tetras are better companions for platies. They share similar tank requirements and won’t attack your platies in the community tank.

Some breeds, like Cardinal tetras, might not be able to live with your platies. Platies are hardier and thrive in saltier and more alkaline waters.

Cardinal tetras are more demanding in terms of water quality and might not be able to survive in the same tank.

Tetras are generally easy to care for and prefer slow-moving waters with lots of floating plants. So, they will do well in your tank, along with your platies and other community tank fish.

Will Platies Eat Neon Tetras?

Platies are generally docile fish, and they won’t attack neon tetras or any other fish in a community tank unless they’re stressed.

These tropical fish become stressed when they live in a small tank, when there are too few fish in the aquarium, or when the tank is overly crowded.

Moreover, they can feel too stressed when the water parameters aren’t favorable. Neglecting to clean the tank, which leads to a rise in ammonia levels, can also make your fish act aggressively.

Adult neon tetras won’t attack platies unless they’re too stressed, too. So, it’s a good idea to keep these two breeds together in the same tank but constantly monitor water parameters.

However, since platies are prolific breeders, you might need some help with keeping their fry alive.

Neon tetras won’t attack adult platies except in very few situations. Nevertheless, they will attempt to feed on the fry when it’s still too small.

Tetras will feed on any fry they can find in the water. So, you should keep the platies fry in a nursing tank for at least six weeks until the fish are too big to be eaten.

Which Tankmates Get Along Well With Platies?

In addition to tetras, several fish species make excellent companions for your platies. These fish are docile, like platies, and they won’t attack them.

Moreover, they share the same tank and feeding requirements, allowing you to maintain your community tank easily.


Swordtails belong to the same family of platies. They’re both livebearers and can live in harmony in a community tank.

Both breeds share the same care requirements, as they prefer neutral to slightly alkaline water. They also endure more saltiness than other breeds and feed on various plant and animal matter.

As a matter of fact, both species can interbreed, producing hybrid fish. Their offspring carry characteristics of both species.


Despite being territorial, angelfish can become good tankmates for platies. These fish are bigger than platies and will thrive in a large community tank with other tropical fish.

Many aquarists add platies to an angelfish tank because their colors and patterns contrast.

If they’re too feisty, you can change the tank water less often, and this will make your angelfish calmer.


The colorful betta fish will be an exciting addition to your platies community tank.

Many aquarists fear that bettas are so aggressive, but the truth is that only some male fish will show aggression when food is scarce.

Bettas share the same care requirements as platies, so it will be easy for you to keep both breeds happy. They’re also top feeders, so they won’t compete with platies that sometimes feed at the bottom of the tank.

Final Thoughts

Platies and tetras can live in harmony in the same tank.

These two species won’t attack one another if you provide enough space.

Since platies and tetras share the same habitat in the wild, it’s easy to maintain a tank that houses both breeds.

However, some tetra species can be more successful mates for platies than others. So, you should pick a hardy, salt-loving, and alkaline water-tolerant species.

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