If you need new fish for your fish tank, you might want to get some interesting bottom-dwellers. There are so many great choices you can make when looking for these types of fish.
Kuhli loaches happen to be among the best bottom-feeding fish that you can find. These fish look really neat and there are a few different types to consider.
How big are these fish? Are they fish that grow to be large or do they stay small?
Read on to learn more about kuhli loaches and how big they are. You’ll have a better understanding of these fish once you’re done reading.
How Big Do Kuhli Loaches Get?
Kuhli loaches are fish that don’t get too big. In the wild, kuhli loaches grow to be a bit larger than they do in fish tanks.
Wild kuhli loaches can grow to be up to five inches. Typically, these fish will only grow to be three inches long in an aquarium.
Since they’re not too big it isn’t too hard to fit them in reasonably modest aquariums. You can fit six of them comfortably in a 20-gallon fish tank.
So don’t hesitate to buy kuhli loaches if you’re very interested in them. They’re very practical fish to own even if you don’t have room for a large fish tank in your home.
How Fast Do They Grow?
You’ll find that young kuhli loaches grow pretty fast. Once kuhli loaches are born they will begin growing at a decent pace.
It takes around six weeks for these fish to reach close to one inch in length. From there, the growth will slow down a little bit.
Kuhli loaches take around two years to reach maturity. Most grow to be around three inches in a fish tank, but some might grow to be four inches.
It all depends on how big the tank is and how well the fish is being cared for. So if you want the fish to grow as fast as they can it’s important to focus on giving them good care.
What Is a Giant Kuhli Loach’s Size?
Giant kuhli loaches are a distinct species of fish that are different from the common kuhli loach. With a name like giant kuhli loach, you might expect that this fish would be huge.
That isn’t the case and giant kuhli loaches are around the same size as standard kuhli loaches. A giant kuhli loach will grow to be a maximum of four inches long.
Normal kuhli loaches typically grow to be three or four inches long in captivity. However, they can grow to be five inches long in the wild.
The giant kuhli loaches do look a bit different, though. You can see that they have much deeper bodies when you compare the two loaches closely.
What Is a Kuhli Loach’s Max Size?
The maximum size that a kuhli loach can grow is five inches. It’s only common for kuhli loaches to grow to this size in the wild.
When these fish are kept in aquariums they usually only grow to be three inches long. However, it’s not unusual for them to grow to four inches when kept in large tanks.
Giant kuhli loaches are a bit different since they’re a distinct species. These fish grow to be a maximum of four inches.
If you want the fish to reach their maximum size, it’s important to care for them well. Otherwise, it’s possible that the growth of these fish can be stunted.
What Causes Stunted Growth in Kuhli Loaches?
There might be situations where your kuhli loaches will experience stunted growth. If your kuhli loaches don’t seem to be getting any bigger and they aren’t at least three inches long, their growth may have been stunted.
Why would something such as this happen in your fish tank? Is it a sign that you’ve been doing something wrong?
It’s certainly possible that the growth of the fish is being stunted due to mistakes being made in the tank. Perhaps the environment isn’t ideal for these fish.
What can you do to turn things around when you suspect that stunted growth has become a problem? There are many things to focus on.
Tank Size
The tank size is something that you want to get right when caring for kuhli loaches. If you keep these fish in tanks that are too small they will not grow to their full potential.
These fish can reach up to four inches long, but they won’t be able to if they’re kept in small tanks. You should keep them in slightly larger tanks than they need if you want to encourage maximum growth.
You should keep these fish in tanks that offer 20 gallons of space or more. This is because they need to be kept in groups to stay happy.
Focus on giving the kuhli loaches enough space so they can grow. Doing so can help the fish to reach their full potential.
Water Quality
Water quality is something that you must pay attention to as well. When the water in the tank isn’t clean it’ll negatively impact the kuhli loaches.
This can stress the fish and it might even make them sick. It makes sense that they won’t be able to grow as well if the water quality isn’t good.
Focus on keeping the water temperature and pH balance in the right range. Remember that the temperature of the water should stay between 73 degrees Fahrenheit and 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH balance must be between 5.5 and 6.5 for these fish. Water hardness should never exceed 5 dGH.
Do regular water changes and make sure that you’re using a filter. Keep the water clean and the kuhli loaches will be less likely to experience stunted growth.
Feeding the Fish Properly
Feeding the fish properly is important when you want to encourage the fish to grow. When the fish isn’t getting enough nutrients it won’t have the energy to keep growing at a reasonable rate.
Focus on feeding these fish enough food to keep them healthy. Generally, kuhli loaches will eat sinking nutritional pellets that are meant for bottom feeders.
You’ll give them supplemental foods such as live blackworms and frozen bloodworms as well. These fish should be fed twice per day.
Each time you feed them you’re supposed to give them as much as they can eat in two minutes. Avoid overfeeding the fish because it can lead to serious digestive problems.
Providing the Fish With Hiding Spots
If you’ve spent any amount of time observing kuhli loaches you likely know that they can be a bit shy. These fish love to hide and they do best when there are plenty of hiding spots in the tank.
They hide more when there aren’t that many hiding spots. So if you want them to move around and show themselves more often, it’s best to give them many hiding spots.
For whatever reason, the presence of hiding spots such as caves and live plants helps these fish to feel more secure. A lack of hiding spots in the tank might stress the fish and this can lead to stunted growth.
Keeping the Fish in Groups
Kuhli loaches are fish that don’t feel safe by themselves in a tank. They don’t do well in pairs either.
You need to keep three of them in the tank or they will be very nervous. If you’re not keeping enough of these fish in the aquarium that could be the cause of stunted growth.
Stress and not feeling comfortable can cause issues with the growth of these fish. So be sure to buy enough of the fish to keep them comfortable and happy.
It’s said that these fish love being in groups of fish. Many say that they do even better when kept in groups of twelve, but you might not have enough room for that many kuhli loaches depending on what size your tank is.
Final Thoughts
Knowing more about kuhli loaches should help you a lot. Now you know that common kuhli loaches can grow to be four inches long in the tank, but they commonly only grow to be three inches long.
Giant kuhli loaches can grow to be a maximum of four inches long. These fish are a bit different from the normal kuhli loaches that you might be familiar with, but they aren’t that big.
Kuhli loaches are known to have issues with stunted growth when they’re having problems in the tank. They won’t grow to their full size if kept in tanks that are too small.
Be sure to monitor the water quality and watch out for stress issues. Feed the fish well and you should be able to help the fish grow to reach their maximum size.
Jeff has always enjoyed having pets, but as a child, he was drawn to his family’s fish tank. Being able to maintain a small ecosystem and observe the behaviors and interactions in the underwater world peaked his interest early on and has kept him hooked until this day. On Avid Aquarist, Jeff shares everything he’s learned about helping aquatic life survive and thrive in a home aquarium.