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How Big Do Cory Catfish Get? (By Species)

How Big Do Cory Catfish Get? (By Species)

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Have you been thinking of adding some cory catfish to your community tank as of late? It’s a good idea since they’re among the best community fish tank members that you can find.

These are very peaceful fish that are going to hang out at the bottom of the aquarium. Since they’re bottom feeders, they’re going to get along well with many different types of fish.

Of course, you need to ensure that the fish will be appropriate for the tank that you have. Thus, it’s a good idea to learn about how big these fish will get at maturity.

How big do cory catfish get on average? Are some types of cory catfish going to get bigger than others?

Keep reading to get all of the pertinent information you need about cory catfish size. You’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether these fish are right for your tank once you’ve read everything.

Cory Catfish Size Depends On the Species

There are different types of cory catfish out there that you need to know about. A different species is going to grow to be larger or smaller based on certain factors.

You’ll want to know about how big the common types of cory catfish will get. Below, you’ll learn about some of the most popular types of cory catfish.

Later, you’ll get more general information about cory catfish. You’ll be able to walk away feeling like you have a good understanding of how big these fish get on average by the time all is said and done.

Bronze Cory Catfish

Bronze cory catfish will grow to be two and a half inches long at maturity. These fish are among the most common and popular cory catfish types.

You can find them being sold in pet stores all the time. They’re fish that many people buy for community tanks since they look nice, and they have calm temperaments.

Caring for bronze cory catfish will be easy as well. These fish are hardy and should live for around five years with proper care.

Bandit Cory Catfish

Bandit cory catfish are fish that grow to be two inches long. You can spot them in a tank very easily because they have markings near their eyes that make them look like stereotypical bank robbers.

These fish are sensitive to variations in water temperature. It’s imperative to keep the temperature steady to maintain a healthy environment for your bandit cory catfish.

They like the water temperature to stay between 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure that you’re using a reliable tank heater if you plan to buy some of these fish.

Panda Cory Catfish

As you’d likely expect, panda cory catfish look sort of like pandas because they have spots on their eyes. These are really neat looking little fish.

Panda cory catfish will grow to be two inches long at maturity. They’re very peaceful, and they love schooling – even with other cory catfish.

You’ll also like that panda cory catfish are known to live for ten years or longer when you give them optimal care. Treat these fish right, and you’ll be able to enjoy them for a long time.

Skunk Cory Catfish

Skunk cory catfish are named as such because they possess skunk-like markings. There is a sort of stripe that goes down the back of the fish, but it’s black rather than white.

A skunk cory catfish will grow to be two inches long when it reaches adulthood. These fish aren’t very big, but they aren’t that much smaller than average either.

Keep in mind that these fish are more sensitive to elevated ammonia and nitrate levels than most cory catfish. This means that you need to be careful not to put them in tanks that are too new.

Julii Cory Catfish

Julii cory catfish will grow to be two and a half inches long. This makes them average-sized cory catfish.

Many people think that these are some of the prettiest cory catfish that money can buy. You’ll find them being sold in pet stores sometimes, but they might actually be mistaken for three stripe cory catfish.

Three stripe cory catfish are so similar to these fish that they often get marketed as julii cory catfish by mistake. Check the head markings to tell the difference between the fish.

Three Stripe Cory Catfish

Three stripe cory catfish are the cousins of the julii cory catfish mentioned above. These fish are also going to grow to be two and a half inches long.

You can tell them apart from the julii cory catfish by looking at their heads. Three stripe cory catfish have maze-like connected spots on their heads.

As you might expect, these fish are just as gorgeous as the julii cory catfish. They will certainly make a good addition to your fish tank if you want some.

Peppered Cory Catfish

Peppered cory catfish will be pretty fish to add to your fish tank. They have distinct markings that make it look as if their bodies have been peppered.

You’ll find that males will be a bit smaller than females. Males grow to be two and a half inches long while females will grow to be three inches in length.

These are peaceful fish that can be kept in schools with other smaller fish. They do well with other cory catfish that are close to the same size.

Emerald Green Cory Catfish

The emerald green cory catfish stands out from the others that have been mentioned. It has a unique look due to how it’s colored.

This is also a fish that is a bit larger than average. They will grow to be between three and four inches depending on how things go for the fish.

Since they have the potential to reach four inches in length, you’ll usually want to keep them in a 29-gallon fish tank or something a bit larger. These fish are great, and you’ll love owning them if you choose to buy a small group of emerald green cory catfish.

Pygmy Cory Catfish

Pygmy cory catfish are the smallest ones being mentioned here. They are decidedly smaller than the other cory catfish that you’ve learned about.

A male pygmy cory catfish will only grow to be three-fourths of an inch long. Female pygmy cory catfish will wind up reaching one inch in length.

Since they’re on the small side, these fish are the best candidates for being kept in small tanks. Some people keep them in 5-gallon fish tanks, but they’ll do better in 10-gallon fish tanks since you want to keep a decent group of them together.

Sterba’s Cory Catfish

Anyone who is looking for a pretty cory catfish will be interested in this one. Sterba’s cory catfish have markings that stand out and prominent pectoral spines that are quite bright.

These fish grow to be two and a half inches long once they mature. Finding these fish used to be hard in the past, but they’re more commonly bred in captivity now.

The fish that are bred in captivity are hardy when compared to the wild-caught fish. They have an easier time acclimating to living in fish tanks, and they will be more likely to stay healthy.

Bearded Cory Catfish

The bearded cory catfish is sometimes referred to as the banded cory catfish. This is a large type of fish that will grow to be between three and a half and four inches in length.

It has distinct markings that help it to stand out in a fish tank. Despite being large for a cory catfish, it’s still incredibly peaceful.

Many say that bearded cory catfish are perfect for both planted aquariums and community fish tanks. This is a fish that is well worth looking into.

Smallest Cory Catfish

The pygmy cory catfish is considered to be the smallest cory catfish. Males grow to be three-fourths of an inch long while females grow to be one inch in length.

This is a lot smaller than other types of cory catfish. If you’re looking for tiny fish that will fit well in slightly smaller tanks, then you’ll be pleased with these pygmy cory catfish.

It’s said that you can fit them in a 5-gallon fish tank. However, many say that it’s best to place them in a 10-gallon tank to give them more than enough room.

You’ll generally want to keep six of them together. Plus, you’ll want room for aquatic plants and other such things in the tank.

Biggest Cory Catfish

The bearded cory catfish is considered to be the largest cory catfish on the market. This fish can grow to be four inches long, and it will be three and a half inches long on the small side.

Emerald green cory catfish come pretty close to reaching this number. They grow to be between three and four inches long but are a bit smaller on average than bearded cory catfish.

Either option will look great in your tank. These fish look impressive in a community fish tank setting.

Cory Catfish Max Size

The maximum size of a cory catfish will depend on the species. Some fish grow to be two and a half inches long while others can reach four inches long.

Most cory catfish wind up growing to be between two and two and a half inches long. Smaller types of cory catfish such as pygmy cory catfish might be under an inch long.

Large cory catfish will max out at four inches. These fish aren’t considered to be huge by most standards, but four inches is big for a cory catfish.

How Fast Do Cory Catfish Grow?

You’ll find that cory catfish will grow to their full size relatively quickly. Most people buy these fish when they’re two or three months old.

It will then take them between nine and twelve months to reach their full adult size. A baby cory catfish should reach maximum growth in 12 to 15 months on average.

Some fish might take a little longer to reach maximum growth while others might achieve it faster. Keeping the fish healthy and feeding it well should help it to grow strong.

How Big Do Cory Catfish Get in Captivity?

There isn’t a significant difference between how big cory catfish get in the wild and how large they will grow in captivity. The numbers given so far are accurate for captive cory catfish.

The biggest cory catfish will grow to be four inches long. Most average cory catfish will grow to be between two and two and a half inches long.

Some very small cory cats will only grow to be one inch long or a bit shorter. It depends on the species that you’re talking about.

How to Support Cory Catfish Growth

Supporting cory catfish growth is as easy as ensuring that you care for the fish properly. You want to keep an eye on the water parameters while feeding the fish well.

If the fish have everything that they need to thrive, then they will be able to grow at a normal rate. You should be feeding the cory catfish sinking nutritional pellets, shrimp pellets, algae rounds, and other such things.

Varying the diet of the fish can help to keep them happy. Ensure that the fish have plants that they can hide in so that they will feel safe.

It’s also important to keep these fish in schools. The best recommendation is to keep cory catfish in groups of six or more.

Final Thoughts

After learning about how big cory catfish can get, you’ll be able to decide which ones are right for you. Some cory catfish are pretty small while others are a bit bigger.

You might be interested in average-sized fish such as bronze cory catfish. If you want a larger fish, then you might prefer emerald green cory catfish or bearded cory catfish.

Small cory catfish such as pygmy cory catfish have merit as well. Just choose the right type of fish for your tank and ensure that you care for them well.

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