So many people think that clown loaches are great. They’ve become very well-loved freshwater aquarium fish.
These fish are popularly sold in most pet stores that sell fish. They’re considered to be great choices for beginners since they’re very hardy.
If you’ve recently purchased some clown loaches, then you might still be learning about them. If you hear your fish making clicking noises, then you’re probably going to be wondering what is up.
Is it normal for these fish to make clicking noises? Could this be an indication that something is wrong with the fish?
Read on to learn everything that you need to know about clown loach clicking. You’ll have a much better understanding of what’s actually happening once you’ve read everything.
This Is Totally Normal
If you’re worried that something is wrong, then you should set your mind at ease. The clicking noises that you’re hearing the fish make are actually completely normal.
You see, clown loaches can make these clicking noises by grinding their teeth together. It’s something that the fish do sometimes, and some fish might do this more than others.
Technically, the fish are grinding their pharyngeal teeth together to produce this noise. You’ll definitely get used to this when caring for clown loaches.
It’s just something that gives new clown loach owners pause. You might worry that something bad is happening, but it’s a totally normal occurrence that you don’t even need to put any thought into.
Why Do Clown Loaches Click?
Now that you know that the clicking is normal, you’re likely curious to know why clown loaches click. Is there a specific reason why they do the clicking or is it random?
Most clown loach enthusiasts say that clicking is a good sign that your clown loaches are happy. It’s said that they will start clicking when they get excited about something.
For example, it’s normal to hear the clicking sounds when you’re feeding the fish. The fish become excitable when it’s feeding time, and you’ll soon wind up hearing the clicking noises.
There could be other things that will cause the clown loaches to start clicking as well. Just know that people seem to agree that it is a positive sign that shows that your clown loaches are content or happy.
Do Other Loaches Click?
Other types of loaches might click sometimes as well. However, many of the other popular loach types don’t click nearly as often as clown loaches do.
For instance, yoyo loaches have been known to click occasionally. People who have owned both clown loaches and yoyo loaches say that the clicking is much less frequent with the yoyo loaches.
With yoyo loaches, they’ll click for the same reason, it just isn’t quite so common. These fish are simply also capable of grinding their teeth together to create a clicking sound.
If you’re not hearing a yoyo loach click, then you shouldn’t be worried. It’s simply a much less frequent thing, and you might not notice it happening sometimes.
It’s a lot more apparent when you’re caring for clown loaches. If you find the clicking sound to be charming, then you might enjoy caring for clown loaches more than other types of loaches.
What If the Clown Loaches Aren’t Clicking?
So if the clown loaches aren’t clicking, is that a bad sign? It could be, but clown loaches don’t necessarily click constantly.
If you never hear the clown loaches clicking, then it could be worrisome. You might be able to take this as a sign that they aren’t happy in the fish tank.
Something could be off in the fish tank that is making them feel less than satisfied. It could be that your water parameters are off and they aren’t doing well in the tank.
It’s always important to monitor the condition of the water. You should try to keep the temperature of the water and the pH balance in the right range.
Regular testing ensures that the parameters are right where they need to be. Getting lazy about testing the water can have consequences.
Also, dirty water is not going to make your clown loaches happy. When the water is dirty, it’s a lot tougher for the fish to stay healthy.
You need to clean the tank regularly while also doing weekly water changes. It’s recommended to change 15% of the water each week to keep the aquarium clean.
Another thing to consider is how much space the fish have. Clown loaches grow to be pretty big and they need a lot of space to thrive.
The minimum recommended tank size for these fish is 75 gallons. A 75-gallon tank or a 100-gallon tank will be appropriate for clown loaches.
Keeping clown loaches by themselves won’t be acceptable either. These fish need to be kept in small groups.
Ideally, you should own five to nine clown loaches. You’ll need to give them a big enough tank and ensure that they’re fed properly.
Doing your best to care for the fish will ensure that they stay happy. If you’re not meeting their basic care needs, then it makes sense that they wouldn’t make the clicking noises.
Check the condition of your tank and see if you need to make any changes. You can try to turn things around if you’ve been making some mistakes.
In the future, you might notice your clown loaches clicking more often. Since the clicking noises correlate with happiness, it makes sense that putting in more effort would have an impact.
Final Thoughts
You’ve learned that the clicking sounds created by clown loaches are normal. They’re nothing to worry about and they can actually be considered to be a good sign.
The noises are made by the clown loaches grinding their teeth together. They do this when they’re happy or excited in some way.
It’s most common to hear the clicking sounds during feeding time. If you don’t hear the noises, then it could indicate that your clown loaches aren’t happy.
In this situation, it would make sense to check the water quality. See if you’re making any mistakes that might be keeping your clown loaches from being truly happy under your care.
Turning things around should allow you to hear the clicking noises sometimes. They don’t necessarily click all the time, but it should be something that you’ll hear often enough.
Jeff has always enjoyed having pets, but as a child, he was drawn to his family’s fish tank. Being able to maintain a small ecosystem and observe the behaviors and interactions in the underwater world peaked his interest early on and has kept him hooked until this day. On Avid Aquarist, Jeff shares everything he’s learned about helping aquatic life survive and thrive in a home aquarium.