Cherry shrimp are a popular species among freshwater shrimp. They’re low-maintenance and colorful, making for ideal pets. This begs the question, what are the best conditions for raising cherry shrimp? And what is the ideal cherry shrimp tank size?
Cherry shrimp are best kept in a 5-10 gallon tank, with a limited number of 2-5 shrimps per gallon. You’ll need more water volume to maximize safety and health if you wish to keep more cherry shrimp.
In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about keeping cherry shrimp, from tank size recommendations to water parameters. Stick around!
Overview of Cherry Shrimp
Cherry shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) is a freshwater shrimp species belonging to the family of Aytidae. Famous for their tank cleaning behavior and economical price, they’re attractive pets for aquarists searching for low-maintenance species.
Cherry shrimps are tiny creatures classified according to their color. Among these classifications are the standard cherry shrimp, fire red cherry shrimp, painted fire red cherry shrimp, and sakura red cherry shrimp.
Cherry shrimp are typically timid and usually occupy the lower part of the tank. The best condition for these shrimp is to inhabit a tank alongside at least four other shrimp.
Owing to their shy nature, cherry shrimp require some time to get accustomed to a new habitat. They will hide behind rocks and plants once moved to a new tank. However, as time passes, they’ll start getting used to their new home and exploring it.
Importance of Tank Size for Cherry Shrimp
Though cherry shrimp are small and low maintenance, they still require suitable living conditions to thrive. The tank size is one of the most important factors to consider while raising cherry shrimp.
A larger tank will allow for freedom of movement and exploration while maintaining stable water parameters that are crucial for the health of shrimps. In addition, more water will be present in a larger tank, thus diluting any impurities and pollution.
Tank Requirements for Cherry Shrimp
To breed shrimp, you’ll have to mimic its natural environment. For example, cherry shrimp love eating algae off of walls and rocks and hiding behind plants. So, make sure you put enough aquascape decor to imitate the natural aquarium landscape.
You can also add live aquarium plants to offer excellent cover when the shrimps are molting.
When it comes to lighting, cherry shrimp require no specifications. That said, you can use the lighting you prefer, as long as you ensure it promotes healthy growth.
Water Parameters for Cherry Shrimp
The water in the tank should have a pH of 6.5-8.0 and sufficient oxygen, with fine pebbles distributed inside. It should also be slightly soft, with a hardness of 4.0-14.0 dGH.
Additionally, a filter should be inserted to keep nitrite and ammonia levels at bay since they’re both harmful to cherry shrimp. We recommend sponge filters as they’re considered the safest for shrimp.
A water heater is essential to keep the temperature warm, along with a bubbler to generate oxygen.
It’s easy to stress out your shrimp by constantly changing water conditions. So, to avoid that, always keep the water fresh and stable.
How Many Cherry Shrimp Can You Keep Per Gallon?
Cherry shrimp are known for producing minimal bio-load. In theory, you can keep large numbers of shrimp in one tank. However, you’d be left with a substantial amount of uneaten food, which will release high levels of waste.
So, to save yourself the hassle, they’re best kept at 2-5 shrimp per gallon.
Ideal Shrimp Quantity Per Gallon
If you want more examples of how many shrimp you can keep per 5, 10, or even 50 gallons, we’ve got you covered!
Below is the recommended shrimp number to keep per gallon.
- 5 gallons – 10 to 25 shrimp
- 10 gallon – 20 to 50 shrimps
- 20 gallons – 40 to 100 shrimps
- 30 gallons – 60 to 150 shrimps
- 40 gallons – 80 to 200 shrimps
- 50 gallons – 100 to 250 shrimps
How Many Cherry Shrimp Can You Keep Together?
Several factors, including tank size and filtration, can affect how many shrimp can be kept together in an ideal situation. Generally, cherry shrimp are a social species, and they’re happier in groups. So they’re best kept together at a large number.
However, too much shrimp in one tank can overload its bio-load, stressing out the shrimp. That said, it’s a good idea to start with at least 5-10 cherry shrimp in one tank. But, don’t forget to use the correct water quantity needed for a healthy environment.
Ideal Tank Size for Cherry Shrimp
The ideal tank size depends on how many shrimp you want to keep. Generally, a 5-10 gallon tank is sufficient for keeping a small number of cherry shrimps.
That said, a larger tank allows for more movement and improved water stability, encouraging natural behavior and eliminating stress.
Cherry Shrimp Minimum Tank Size
The minimum tank size for cherry shrimp is 2 gallons. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that you should keep a small number of shrimps in that volume.
Additionally, it will be harder to ensure consistent water conditions in a small tank, which could harm the shrimp’s health.
Do Cherry Shrimps Attack Each Other?
Surprisingly, despite being peaceful and social creatures, cherry shrimps may start attacking each other when hungry or overcrowded.
If you notice that your shrimp are aggressive toward one another, there are a few things you can do to stop them from fighting and restore the harmony between them.
Give Them More Food
Cherry shrimps can turn from peaceful to aggressive when hungry. So, if this happens, try giving them more shrimp food than usual and observe their behavior.
Remove Some of Them
If you think the reason behind their aggression is overcrowdedness, try removing some of them and placing them in a different tank.
This will eliminate competition for food, and provide each with the nutrition it requires.
Common Mistakes
Cherry shrimp are an amazing species to breed, but some common mistakes can prevent you from enjoying their presence.
Here are a few mistakes that you can avoid falling into:
Overfeeding can raise the bioload of the tank, producing more waste and harmful substances.
To keep the tank healthy, don’t excessively feed your shrimp, and regularly remove any extra food in the tank.
Overcrowding leads to aggression and increases competition for food. In turn, it increases the chance for the shrimp to attack one another.
It’s best to stick to the recommended quantity of shrimp per gallon.
Inadequate Hiding Places
To feel secure, cherry shrimp like to hide behind rocks and plants. That said, inadequate hiding places make them feel threatened and unsafe, especially during molting.
To avoid this, ensure having plenty of driftwood and plants to promote their natural behavior.
Poor Water Conditions
Cherry shrimp can easily sense changes in water conditions, and poor water quality can make the shrimp stressed and ill.
So, it’s crucial to maintain water stability and keep the tank clean and fresh.
Final Thoughts
Cherry shrimp are popular and easy-to-care-for creatures that require a suitable environment to thrive. The tank size is one of the most important parameters to consider when keeping cherry shrimp.
A larger tank will provide mobility freedom and dilute water impurities and pollution. That said, keeping them in a 5-10 gallon tank is ideal, with a maximum number of 2-5 shrimps per gallon.
Moreover, simulating a natural habitat for cherry shrimp is important to promote their natural behavior. You can do that by providing adequate aqua space decor and live aquarium plants.
By following these instructions and avoiding common mistakes, you can maintain a happy and healthy shrimp environment in your tank.
Jeff has always enjoyed having pets, but as a child, he was drawn to his family’s fish tank. Being able to maintain a small ecosystem and observe the behaviors and interactions in the underwater world peaked his interest early on and has kept him hooked until this day. On Avid Aquarist, Jeff shares everything he’s learned about helping aquatic life survive and thrive in a home aquarium.