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Are Rainbow Sharks Scaleless?

Are Rainbow Sharks Scaleless?

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This post is written to the author's best knowledge and is not intended to be used in place of veterinary advice. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Have you become curious about rainbow sharks as of late? Many people love these fish because they’re so striking.

They have a unique look that makes them appealing to many fish tank enthusiasts. It’s easy to see why people love buying them for fish tanks once you get a look at them in person.

You might be considering buying a rainbow shark for your tank sometime soon. However, you could also want to know more about these fish before deciding whether they’re worth your time.

Are rainbow sharks scaleless? Continue reading to learn more about rainbow sharks so that you can have a better understanding of what they’re like and whether you’ll want them for your fish tank.

Rainbow Sharks Are Scaleless Fish

Rainbow sharks are indeed scaleless fish. These fish have skin and they don’t have any scales to speak of.

Since they don’t have scales, you need to treat them carefully when it comes to using certain medications. Some common fish medications such as copper treatments and salts can negatively impact these fish.

So you have to approach things with caution when caring for rainbow sharks. They’re a bit more sensitive than some other fish that you might be familiar with.

This doesn’t mean that rainbow sharks are fragile and that they’ll die fast, though. Rainbow sharks are considered to be somewhat hardy, but you do need to treat them right to keep them healthy.

Are Rainbow Sharks Good for Beginners?

No, rainbow sharks aren’t good fish to buy if you’re a beginner to the hobby. Newcomers to the aquarium hobby should likely stay far away from rainbow sharks.

Why is this, though? Above, you learned that these fish are somewhat hardy.

So what is it about rainbow sharks that make them tough to care for? There are many reasons why these fish are tough for beginners.

Firstly, they can be a bit sensitive to water parameter issues. They’re likely to experience health problems and stress when the water is too dirty or when the parameters are thrown off.

Rainbow sharks should not be exposed to elevated ammonia levels in the tank. This can cause severe problems, and that means that you need to focus on tank maintenance.

Cleaning the tank often, changing the water regularly, and focusing on testing the water will be a must. You should always use pH balance testing kits to see where things are at with the water parameters.

Rainbow Sharks Are Aggressive

It’s also true that rainbow sharks are aggressive. The aggressive nature of these fish makes it very tough to keep them together in fish tanks.

Generally, it’s recommended to only keep one rainbow shark in a fish tank. When you keep rainbow sharks in pairs or groups they will fight terribly in the tank.

It is possible to keep rainbow sharks in the same tank, but it’d require a very large tank and many hiding spots. Even then, it’s possible that things could go wrong.

Rainbow sharks can be kept as community fish, but you must put them in tanks with compatible fish. They might fight with many types of fish that are semi-aggressive, and you need to research compatibility carefully before proceeding.

So most beginners will be better off seeking out easier fish to deal with. Rainbow sharks are rather neat fish to own, but they can be tough for those who don’t have a bit of experience.

What’s the Best Substrate for Rainbow Sharks?

Rainbow sharks need a substrate that matches what they’re familiar with in the wild. It’s best to go with a sandy substrate to keep the fish safe.

These fish spend their days at the bottom of the tank. Sand will be safe for these fish and it’ll make them feel more at home, so to speak.

It’s also true that it’s easy to keep aquarium sand clean. It won’t collect food or waste nearly as much as other types of substrate materials.

You want to keep the fish tank clean since rainbow sharks are sensitive to pH balance fluctuations. To avoid ammonia issues in the tank, it’s best to remove uneaten food and keep things tidy.

This is easier to do when you choose sand as the substrate material. Most experts recommend using fine aquarium sand.

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